Progressively Unimpressive
This is completely out of character for me, this business of posting a second entry within the same lunar cycle. I have had something very heavy on my mind. In the wake of the passing of one of the most irresponsible pieces of legislation (the "American Recovery and Reinvestment" bill) I have given serious thought to the liberal agenda. It has, until now, been light and laughable to me, foolish and harmless like "reality t.v.". But now that their policies are going to directly affect my family and myself I will not be silently subjugated.
Liberals are selfish. This is the conclusion I've come to. "How can you say that when all they want to do is help people?" one might ask. Quite easily, actually, I might answer. I have noticed that most of the liberals in high-profile positions seem to be most popular with the very same people who believe that they are: 1) in a dire situation, 2) that situation is a direct result of some sinister plot to ruin people, and 3) it is someone else's duty to pull them up from the mire. In other words, liberals are loved by victims because victims believe liberals will save them. And liberals are more than happy to accomodate. This, of course, wins them the hearts and affections of the masses. Popularity. Adulation. Power. All understandable desires. All unacceptable motivations in the political arena. The most dangerous part of their ideology is the "It Takes a Village" attitude which thrusts the welfare of all members of society on all the other members of society. Forcing the care of an individual on another individual is at the very heart of socialism, and socialism cannot facilitate freedom.
I do have faith in our democracy. In spite of what the simians on the comment pages think, no one man/woman controls this country (yes I'm talking to the geniuses who think that Bush ran this country into the ground; our country doesn't work that way). I hate the Obamapelosireidasaurus and everything they are trying to do, but they do not reign. The people are sovereign in this land. We hold the power.
If this doesn't look sinister, I don't know what does.
You can almost see the cracks forming from this attempt at "sincere."